Friday, March 19, 2010

Unfortunately this is not the end of bad stories. I went to the bathroom yesterday at about 5 am and entering it was the last thing I remembered.... I woke up on the bathroom's floor, lying in blood on the left side of my face. My first reaction was relief that it is not the right side of my face where I already had a wound after the accident in Salvador. Then I checked if I had all the teeth; I did. Then I wanted to check where the blood comes from but I did not reach the mirror, I fainted again in half way... I regained conscousness in exactly same position what before, lying on the left side of my face. I don't have to say how painful it was. I got really scared. I managed to get up by holding the wall and I looked in the mirror. I had a big wound on my lower lip and on my chin. I got to the bedroom and I fainted again, luckily on my bed this time. When I regained consciousness, I had blood on my cheeks, chin, chest and pigamas and a big purple bruise on the right side of my face. I looked in the mirror by the bed and I started crying. I cried and cried, and cried.... Then I phoned Barbara who was just scheduled for a surgery and asked her if she knew somebody who could go with me to a hospital, as I was not able to walk properly. Her friend Ana came with her husband, and they drove me to a hospital. First, to avoid the hussle of contacting my insurance company, I wanted to go to a public hospital. We went to three of them but they did not want to see me, they said there was no doctor on premises or that we should go somewhere else. Eventually Ana decided that it was better to go to a private hospital.
She stayed with me for more than six hours, talking to nurses and doctors. It was absolutely wonderful, she phoned work and said that she could not come in because of an emergency, and she stayed with me all day. I had tomography of my head done and it appeared that it was ok but the detailed results will be available next Tuesday. A plastic surgeon did sew up my lip and chin. I paid in total 1000 reals = £370 (the scan was very expensive). I contacted my insurance company straight away and started the process of claiming money back.
Ana's husband gave me lift home and then Geraldo came in the late evening. When he saw me he wasn't very happy, as before, which was strange... - it appeared that he left his laptop on the back seat of a taxi (which already drove away...). He left his luggage in Barbara's flat and took another taxi back to the airport to chase the laptop. He came back after three hours with the laptop!! He asked some taxi drivers at the airport if they knew the guy he went with before, and they said that it was a very dangerous man, living in a favela. So Geraldo took a taxi, paid three times more than usuall to get to the favela and nicely asked the man to give him the laptop back. Honestly, I think it was a miracle that the man gave it back to him....
What a day...