Sunday, March 14, 2010

I had a really good time last night, and I even wasn't dancing!! Well, let's start from the beginning. I asked few people to find out for me if there is lambada zouk place in Salvador, where I could go dancing on Saturday. They all came back to me saying "I don't know" (usual answer, which was no surprise to me) so I went to an internet cafe', opened about ten websites (all in Portugese) and found an address of zouk dancing studio in a district called Nazare'. In Brazil, if you don't do your own homework, nobody will do it for you... (I have to say here: Renato, you are one of a very few people who were extremely helpful, I am talking about the majority of people I have met).
I decided to go to Nazare'. I arrived in the city centre when it was already dark and I asked few people for directions. Everyone told me to take taxi as it was too dangerous to walk. A guy sitting on the stairs of a church started talking to me and he wanted to help. He said that I couldn't walk to Nazare' because of safety reasons. He was going to a concert in Barra district and he said it would be great if I joined him. I had a chat with him on the stairs and I felt I could trust him so we went to Barra. It appeared that the band playing was Buena Vista Social Club!!! - right on the beach in front of me, and gratis.
Josue (the guy) showed me some nice places in Barra and I couldn't believe how beautiful they were. If I hadn't met him, I would never visit the district. Josue was born in Salvador but he lives in Germany now, in Stuttgart, working as a capoeira teacher. He comes to Salvador only on holiday.
He also told me how lucky I was walking with a big handbag and haven't been mugged yet. Everyone I met has been mugged, turists or locals, so I got really scared. Josue told me some stories which had happened in Salvador, for example that the police is too frightened to fight with the gangs; muggers can drag you into a car and if you don't have enough money on you, they will shoot you, etc. I decided that I am not going to play with the fire any more and I am going to buy a small travel bag or a special belt to hide my money (but what about the camera??).
At the end of the concert Josue asked me if I would like to spend the night on the beach with him, and I said yes.
To come back home this afternoon I took a bus which drove by the cost. It was so beautiful (in the picture).