Saturday, March 6, 2010

In Salvador de Bahia

The distance from Porto Seguro to Salvador is 722 km (12 hours by bus, cost: 50 pounds).
The bus was as comfortable as the one I took from Rio but it was very cold this time. There were warm blankets on the bus but despite that I had to put on two jumpers. Many people were coughing and sneezing because of the cold - so why the hell they switch on so much air conditioning???
I was sitting next to a Brazilian guy and it was funny - when you both transform your seats into beds, it seems that you sleep in a bed with a stranger :)
My Couch Surfing host Marcelo and his girlfriend Barbara picked me up from the bus station when I arrived very early in the morning. They are nice people and Marcelo speaks fluent English.
Yesterday, before I left Porto Seguro, Geraldo's mum cooked the best meal I have eaten in Brazil so far, plus she made two kinds of fresh juices - my favourite mango juice and one with lemon and some magic herbs. She also prepared a heavenly dessert, made of passion fruit and condensated milk.
In the picture: view from Geraldo's mum balcony.