Monday, December 6, 2010

I have changed hosts. Hernan had a guest "booked" a lot of time ago so I could stay with him until Sunday, when Julia arrived. She is from Ukraine but she lives and works in Los Angeles. I met her in the morning, we all had breakfast together and I left to Daniela's house. Daniela lives in Palermo district, like Hernan, but in a different part. When I arrived we had a long chat. She is a lawyer who works for ONG but after many years of working in the sector she thinks about going on a long holiday and then changing profession. She separated from her French boyfriend a month ago so she is very upset at the moment, although she doesn't want to show it. She is planning to go on holiday to Ecuador in January as all the courts are closed during this month in Argentina (only few are dealing with very urgent cases). At the moment she is extremely busy at work as everyone is trying to solve their court cases before the end of December.
At night I was dancing lambada :)) Daniela, Hernan, Julia and Pedro from Mexico (who I met in the salsa club on Thursday) went with me and did the beginners class.
Interesting information: we were talking about my dog in Poland whose name is Sonda and Daniela initially thought it was Zonda. Zonda is a very dry wind which occurs in Argentina.
In the picture: in the city centre with Daniela, before going to the lambada club.