Monday, September 6, 2010

Yesterday we went to a jazz festival which commenced three days ago. Most of the events are free of charge and they take place within walking distance from my house. We went to Teatro al Aire Libre Los Cristales (in the picture with Eduardo and friends) and today we are going to Teatro La Tertulia.
Hmmm... how to say this... I hate jazz. However, somehow, I can listen to the latin jazz and I meet a lot of people at the events therefore I am enjoying them.
I went to Los Cristales with Eduardo, my tattooist, who doesn't speak any English but we ended up having deep conversations until very late in the night, in San Antonio park. Eduardo tried to explain to me some secrets about the Colombian culture which are hard for me to understand. For example, why people who are able to work don't work and just "study" when there is no money at home, or how the local people hunt for foreigners to get married and fix their lives, or that muggers in Cali commit the crime to get money mainly for dancing. These are subjects common in the whole world, not only here, but in Colombia they hit you hard.
Eduardo himself is a successful artist and tattooist. He didn't attend any school, neither he studied art. He just has a great talent and his hands and heart create great pieces of art. This is simply how he achieved the success - working hard and setting up targets. This is something very unusual in Colombia I am afraid so it was really nice talking to him.