Friday, September 3, 2010

We went to Tin Tin Deo yesterday to celebrate Vanessa's birthday. Well, I am in TTD every Thursday anyway. I danced a lot as always. The Salsa World Championship is approaching quickly so people go out dancing even more than usual. Yesterday I met two excellent dancers. One dances professionally in a very famous group and the second guy won last year's championship. I asked them for a dance and it was like flowing, not dancing, such a nice feeling.

I started looking for Couch Surfing hosts in Ecuador and Peru. I love Cali but I feel I have to go now and leave the horrible experiences behind me.
One of my "hosts to be" in Peru told me that they call Cali "LoCombia" from the world loco - crazy. It is about salsa of course :)
I have to buy a new camera to take pictures for my blog!!
Another interesting information - Colombians use a lot of bazuka here. It is a very strong chemical product, worse than cocaina. I was told that when you take it the first time, you are addicted immediately (I took cocaina once, many years ago, and I didn't get addicted).