Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yesterday I had a great night out (another one :)). We took a chiva (in the picture) from Palmetto Plaza until Juanchito where we went to a club called La Bodega Latina.
The chiva ride was really good. The bus is moving all the time and you dance at the same time to a loud music. It is very difficult as you swing from one side to another or you are thrown to a side when the bus driver breaks down. This is how a chiva ride looks like:
La Bodega Latina was great too - it is a huge salsa club with fantastic music and good light effects. I am happy because I have an idea now how different clubs in various parts of Cali look like. Three months of constant partying gave me the picture, I am satisfied now :)
Here is last but one set of the pictures from Cali:
Cali 6