Sunday, July 4, 2010

I had a nice day today. Yes, a nice day in Cali... I woke up at 1 pm as we were dancing a lot yesterday. We went to Tin Tin Deo again: Wilber, Terrie from Australia and Wilber's friend who is a great dancer (in the picture). I danced as much as I dance in London, until I couldn't catch my breath, with Wilber, his friend and some other Colombian guys.... all of them excellent dancers.
This afternoon I went to San Antonio, a district where Wilber works, as Terrie told me that it is actually a nice area. It is a nice place indeed but smelly with dogs and human (I suppose) excrement on the streets, and very dangerous (I was warned not to speak on the phone in San Antonio). I met with Patricia, Fernando's cousin who I originally met in Cartago. We had a cup of coffee and then she showed me a shopping centre in a quite nice area. This means that there are some nice places in the city.