Saturday, July 3, 2010

I am generally unhappy now. I don't like Cali and I haven't had time yet to explore it more and to find nice places in the city. I feel here like I felt in Brazil - well... unhappy. In Brazil I thought that I missed London but it was simply a confrontation of my energy with the energy of the place. Even people are similar here, they reply "I don't know" when you ask them about something and I get furious. I thought I had it behind me when I left Brazil but I was wrong. People seem to be incompetent too, I thought about a tatoo done in Cali but now I am not sure. I have to do something about my negative feelings soon but I have to explore the city first. If I stay in Cali longer, I want to rent a nice flat in a nice area (which I am not sure is possible here).
Yesterday night I went to the hostel where Wilber works as a salsa teacher. He sleeps there so I can sleep comfortably in his room and obviously he doesn't pay. I took a bus from his house and everyone thought that I was crazy because it is very dangerous at night, and Wilber's mum was really worried about me. Well, taxis are cheap but I can't afford taking them all the time, I always come back home by taxi. Yesterday I didn't take my camera with me and I put my mobile phone in my knickers (yes!! - in my knickers!!...). This is a trick I learnt in Brazil where you can buy an underwear with built-in pockets for the phones. I felt quite uncomfortable with the mobile in my knickers but at least it wouldn't get stolen easily. I thought about putting my camera in my knickers too but I gave up....
I arrived at the hostel and we went out to a nice little bar called La Fuente where people were dancing outside in the street. I was dancing a lot, thanks to Wilber who is a good dancer. Then we moved to a place called Jala Jala in Juanchito, a district with a lot of salsa clubs. I asked the local people "are you sure there is not going to be American or English music?". They looked at me as if I was stupid and they said "Aga, you are in Cali....".
The place was wonderful. The best salsa place I have ever been to. Very posh but cheap, a lot of space to dance, great lights, special effects and excellent music. We were dancing all the night and I felt alive again :) All the places here are called discotecas. It is a name I don't like but in Cali it means completely different thing than anywhere else - it means great salsa venues. The last club we went to was called Cafe' Mi Tierra where we danced even more and then I came back home.
This afternoon I went to a salsa workshop but the salsa level was low. I had a chat with few dance teachers and I was surprised how little they knew about different kinds of latin dances... So I got upset again.
The taxi driver didn't know how to get to Fundación Estrellas Mundiales de la Salsa so he drove around the city for an hour. Luckily when we eventually got there he charged me very little as I was prepared to have a fight with him.
I am very confused at the moment, I enjoy my dancing moments very much but then I get easily upset by the city and its people.