Monday, August 30, 2010

This afternoon I spent four hours in the police station to declare the robbery and to get a report for my insurance company. Marjolein from Holland was there with me. She lost a camera, phone, documents and money. What really surprised us was that the police officer didn't put down the fact that a small child had been involved in the robbery. She said she would have to report it to another institution and it would be too much hussle.....
A nice thing was that a lot of people in the waiting room came to us and they apologised for what had happened to us. They asked us to remember that there are many nice people in this country too.
Yesterday I heard an interesting story from Wilber. Uribe, the last president of Colombia who was replaced by Santos just three months ago and who did a lot of good things for the country ("eliminating" guerilla), sent a lot of drug dealers to USA (and killed many others). In USA it was difficult to corrupt the police and government (although not impossible...) so most of the drug dealers moved to Mexico. Now Mexico is the most active drug trade city in the world. Luis, a Mexican guy who was on our Saturday trip and got robbed too, told us that in Mexico the robbery wouldn't be so easy for us. They would rape and torture us, and then cut the bodies into pieces, alive or dead. This is how they do it in Mexico...
Why Uribe sent the scam to USA? Have you seen "Scarface", based on a true story? Apparently the Cuban prisoners were sent to USA to visit families and because the country needed people to work on the land, in the isolated parts of the country where the population was low, the land was difficult to cultivate and not very productive.