Monday, April 5, 2010

Well... the club where we wanted to dance yesterday was closed hrrrrrrr.... and Heber could not think about another place which would be open so we went for a four-hour walk instead. We walked alonside the long beach, on the promenade, the sea and the lights were beautiful. Heber is very talkative and I am not quiet either so we had great conversations. I really liked few big beautiful sculptures of Iracema, one of them in the picture above.

However, I saw a lot of beggers, disabled and poor people on the beach and it really upset me. It distroys the beauty of many places.
I had a very bad (and significant??) dream last night. I was in Poland and my father wanted to talk to me. He used to know some important people (in reality), and in the dream he said that there was going to be a nuclear explosion the next day the latest, but it could happen any minute. He said he found out about it from his important friends, they told him this in confidence and that I couldn't tell anyone about the explosion. My father said that I had to leave my work immediately, take all my savings and go hiding in a flat without furniture and with no windows. I have to buy food, lock myself and I can leave the flat only after a year, when the radiation disappears. When I heard this I was worried sick about my friends....