Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yesterday I went to see the statue of Christ The Redeemer with my Italian friend Enrico from London, who came to Rio from the holiday in Sao Paolo a couple of days ago (this meeting was planned).
The statue is amazing, just amazing... The Christ stands on the hill no matter what - rain, wind or extreme heat and spreads his arms over the city. A fantastic idea (in the picture we are on our knees and trying to be serious :)).
I visited Brendzia in the evening and tomorrow I am moving to the hotel she is staying at. They have one spare bed so I can have it. Santa Tereza where I live now is beautiful and safe during the day. This changes at night and my intuition tells me that I should move out of here. The night minibus stops ten minutes from the flat so I have to walk to get home. I actually run because it seems to me that if I run, a mugger will not mug me as he will think that something else is already going on e.g. another mugger is chasing me. Today I bought cachaca (alcohol) for Eduardo and I hold it in my hand when I was running, and I decided that if somebody was going to rob me, I would smash the bottle on his head... mini tips on how to survive in Rio at night ha ha ha... but in fact it's not funny.
On the bus home I saw a guy I had met in a bar a week ago. He remembered my name, I didn't remember him at all but I pretended that I did, and then I noticed a tatoo on his right calf - a big tatoo of South America, and I remembered that it was a friend of my previous host Rodrigo :)