Monday, February 21, 2011

BYE BYE SOUTH AMERICA !!!.... and thank you for teaching me so much...

Today is the last day of my one-year and 3 weeks South American adventure; this afternoon I am boarding a plane to London. I will change twice: in Bogota' and in Madrid, and I will arrive in Heathrow on Tuesday, 22nd of February 2011. Total time of the trip: 20 hours, approximate distance: 9287 km, cost: 644 pounds. 
How do I feel about it? I feel very sad. Sad because the trip was such a big life lesson for me that I am not sure if I get a chance to have another one like this in the future. I am thinking a lot about my return to Europe, preparing my mind and body to my London life. Am I going to be happy or unhappy when I am back??... this question bothers me every day. I am determined to be happy, no matter what.

In the picture: my host family in Santa Marta (without father and one son).
My last set of pictures from South America:
Santa Marta